PLCopen Function Blocks

This function block (FB) library is designed for controlling one or more servo axes using the IECClosed "International Electrotechnical Commission" IEC is a not-for-profit, non-governmental international standards organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies 61131-3 PLCopen standard (see Function Blocks for more information).

To offer flexibility, ease of use, and reusability, the library consists of command-oriented function blocks with a reference to the axis (e.g., the abstract data type AXIS_REF Structure).

The PLCopenClosed A vendor -and product- independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control and aiming at standardizing PLC file formats based on XML Library contains function blocks for:

  • Control: Function blocks to define and initialize motion, control power, and reset errors.
  • I/O: Function blocks to control interaction with Digital I/O and Touch Probe and trigger PLCopen Registration functionality.
  • Info: Function blocks to provide information on motion, position, status, and the ability to read and write other drive parameters.
  • PLCopen Motion: Function blocks to execute different types of motion.
  • Profile: Function blocks for master/slave motion.
  • Reference: Function blocks to reset position.
  • Registration: Function blocks to perform registration.

Function BlockClosed A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs.



Adds a superimposed axis to a specified axis.


Engages the Cam.


Disengages the slave from the master axis immediately in a cam block.


Selects the Cam tables by setting the pointers to the relevant tables.


Commands a ratio between the velocity of the slave and master axis.


Disengages the slave from the master axis.


Performs Mark-to-Machine registration.


Performs Mark-to-Mark registration.


Performs a single-axis move to a specified endpoint position.


Commands a controlled motion of a specified relative distance.

  • Can be used to interrupt a motion currently being performed.
    • In this case, the MotionAdditive FB causes the speed, acceleration, and deceleration of the motion already running to be changed to the parameters specified in the MC_MoveAdditive FB.
  • If the MC_MoveAdditive FB is activated in Continuous Mode, the specified relative distance is added to the actual position (at the time of execution).


Performs a single-axis move of a specified distance relative to the actual position at the time of the start of execution.


  • Commands a controlled motion of a specified relative distance additional to an existing motion.
  • The existing Motion is not interrupted, but is superimposed by the additional motion.


Commands a never-ending controlled motion (jog) at a specified velocity.


Controls the power stage: enable(on) and disable (off).


Returns the value of the actual position.


Indicates Drive-related errors.




Return the value of a Drive parameter.

  • The returned value has to be converted to Real if required.
  • If not possible, the vendor must provide a supplier-dependent FB for it.


Returns Axis status details with respect to the motion currently in progress.


Removes a superimposed axis from an axis.


  • Makes the transition from the state ErrorStop to StandStill by resetting all internal axis-related errors and clearing pending commands.
  • This does not affect the output of the FB instances.


Commands a controlled motion stop and transfers the axis to the Stopping state.

  • It aborts any ongoing function block execution.
  • When the Done output is set, the state transfers to StandStill.
  • While the axis is in Stopping state, no other FB can perform any motion on the same axis.


Turns off registration.




Modify the value of a Drive parameter.

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